Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1
Maroon 317

and women in cybers open up the mainstream public sphere and expand
the conditions of possibility for the formation of civil society. Cybers gen-
tly push the limits of the moral terrain of society by creating spaces of
desegregated sociability and by generally expanding the types of infor-
mation and modes of communication available to Moroccans. At the
same time, they are sites in which socially subversive forms of exchange
can take place. The cybercafé, as a theoretically autonomous space of
open access, is subject to practices that do not just push boundaries but
rather directly cut against the normative texture of the public sphere.
While jihādī activities are not perceptibly widespread among Moroccan
Internauts, they nonetheless gesture to the complex obstacles facing the
formation of a uniquely Moroccan public sphere defined by rights of
access and participation that are mediated by social understandings of a
moral public.

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