Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1

350 Mediated Publics

n its short life, Weblogistan has acquired various functions for I
Iranians and become a useful tool in the process of self-expression, the
rediscovery of self, interactions with others, and the formation of new
identities, communities and new social movements. Weblogistan has
become the voice of women, youth, homosexuals, marginalized intel-
lectuals, journalists, artists, politicians and even the expression of a new
form of religiosity among religious youth that is much more personal and
different from the state religion. Weblogistan has offered them the best
tools to question and to dismantle diverse political, religious and patriar-
chal authorities. Mild but permanent transgression of religious or socio-
cultural boundaries in Iranian society has opened up new perspectives for
bloggers who can now experience another aspect of their being.
eblogistan is also one of the only public spaces in Iran where there W
is the possibility of hearing the discourses of women and youth, as well as
cross-gender discussions. These narratives reveal aspects of a society that
were until now hidden under conventional appearances and revolutionary
images and performances. Finally, Weblogistan is also a mirror for Iranian
middle-class society to see itself in a “freer” public space, where diverse
individuals, networks and communities can coexist, express themselves,
debate and challenge diverse authorities. In Weblogistan, as in Iran, the
majority of the population is under 30 years old. But in Weblogistan,
younger bloggers can challenge their professors, parents, clerics and soci-
ety; politicians and intellectuals are in direct contact with their public;
educated women can work hard not only to change discriminatory Islamic
laws, but also to challenge the patriarchal spirit and patterns of behavior
in conventional society. Weblogistan in Iran is a laboratory for practicing
democracy and for one day creating a permanent public sphere.

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