Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1
Alagha 479


1.e public statement “Identity and Goals” is Hizbullah’s 2004 self-descrip- Th
tion. My reliance on publicly available primary sources has its inevitable
limitations given the largely secretive nature of the party and its operations.
2.awfiq al-Madini, T Amal wa-Hizbullah fi Halbat al-Mujabihat al-Mahal-
liyya wa-l-Iqlimiyya [Amal and Hizbullah in the Arena of Domestic and
Regional Struggles] (Damascus: al-Ahli, 1999), 172.

  1. Nabih Berri, the current leader of Amal and Speaker of the Parliament, has
    repeatedly stated that Amal was the womb of Hizbullah.
    4.stablished in 1966. See Waddah Sharara and Dawlat Hizbullah, E Lubnan
    Mujtama‘ Islami [The State of Hizbullah: Lebanon as an Islamic Society],
    4th ed. (Beirut: al-Nahar, 2006), 87ff. It is worth mentioning that Shaykh
    Na‘im Qasim, Hizbullah’s current deputy secretary general, was one of the
    leading founding members of the student movement.
    5.alal Salman, T Sira Dhatiyya li-Haraka Muqawima ‘Arabiyya Muntasira:
    Hizbullah [An Autobiography of a Victorious Arab Resistance Movement:
    Hizbullah] (Beirut: al-Safir, June 2000), 7.
    6.Ali al-Kurani, from a mid-rank cadre, was the first to expose the social ‘
    movement’s mobilization strategies, in his book entitled Tariqat Hizbullah
    fi al-‘Amal al-Islami [Hizbullah’s Method of Islamic Mobilization] (Tehran:
    Maktab al-I‘lam al-Islami: al-Mu’assasa al-‘Alamiyya, 1985), 183–203., respectively, and S
    8.l- A ‘Ahd 95, 18 April 1986, 11. “Victory Speech” in Bint Jubayl marking the nearly complete Israeli S
    withdrawal on 25 May 2000. al-Safir, 11 July 2001; al-Intiqad 1428, 13
    April 2007, 10–14. See also Narallah’s televised speech in Bint Jubayl on 28
    July 2007.

  2. Interview with the author, 2 November 2004. Hajj ‘Imad Faqih is currently
    a member of the Executive Council.
    11.haykh Muhammad Yazbik, Hizbullah’s Shura Council member and the S
    head of the Religio-Judicial Council.

  3. Al-Madini, Amal wa-Hizbullah, 172–173.
    13.or information on Lebanese prisoners in Israeli jails in English, Arabic, F
    Hebrew, or French, see, which was officially
    launched on 19 April 2007.

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