Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1
Alagha 483

revenues (see Hizbullah’s
launch of 4000 rockets caused Israel to lose 158 people, more than two-
thirds of whom were soldiers; 5000 were wounded; 12,000 houses were
destroyed; 750,000 trees were burned; and 5 aircraft crashed. Also, Israel
incurred a financial loss of 25 billion shekels (around $6 billion). See “The
War in Figures,” Yadi‘ot Ahronot, 15 August 2006.
40.harara and Hizbullah, S Lubnan Mujtama‘, 389–442; Abdallah Balqaziz,
Hizbullah min al-Tahrir ila al-Radi‘ [Hizbullah from Liberation to
Deterrence] (Beirut: Markaz Dirasat al-Wihda al-‘Arabiyya, 2006), 73–107;
Joseph Alagha, “Hizbullah’s Promise,” ISIM REVIEW 18 (Autumn 2006):
41.eached through an underground bunker lit by a long snake of small lights R
till one reaches the broadcasting room, where everything was manually
operated, with very limited equipment and resources.
42.special edition on Monday 17 July, issue 1171, right after the city of Haifa A
in Israel was bombed by Hizbullah, and a regular edition on Friday 21 July,
issue 1172.
43.ttp:// h
asp?CNewsID=61 (accessed 2 August 2006). The Seven Points were: 1)
release of Lebanese and Israeli prisoners and detainees; 2) withdrawal of
the Israeli army behind the Blue Line (UN demarcated border between
Lebanon and Israel); 3) Sheb‘a farms placed under UN jurisdiction
and Israeli surrender of all remaining landmine maps to the UN; 4) the
Lebanese government extends its authority over its territory through its
own legitimate armed forces, such that there will be no weapons or author-
ity other than that of the Lebanese state; 5) a robust UNIFIL (United
Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) force to guarantee stability and security
in the south; 6) the 1949 Armistice Agreement between Lebanon and Israel
put back into effect; and 7) international community support for Lebanon
at all levels. S al-Intiqad 1181, 23 September 2006, 11–15; and Lebanese daily news-
papers on and around that date. It is worth mentioning that the front page
of the 18 August al-Intiqad, issue 1176, was red, symbolizing the blood
of the martyrs, with on the right side the words “Divine Victory,” with
“Victory” in green, the color of Islam. On the left side was a Khamina’i let-
ter to Nasrallah entitled “Your Victory is an Apodictic Proof [h.ujja].”

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