Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1
Alagha 485 his speeches of 1 and 10 December 2006. S

  1. The sit-in tarnished Hizbullah’s image in different ways, including through
    word-of-mouth and media accusations of moral laxity among Hizbullah
    rank and file in the “tent cities” that housed the protesters. Hizbullah’s insis-
    tence that its members upheld ethical and Islamic values and norms, while
    other members of the Lebanese opposition might be committing such
    acts, rang hollow when images of Hizbullahi hugging FPM members who
    were sipping champagne on New Year’s Eve were disseminated and rumors
    spread that the youth were sleeping around in the tents.
    56.e front page of Th al-Intiqad portrayed the map of Lebanon surrounded
    by the color red, symbolizing blood. The main slogan was in yellow,
    Hizbullah’s color: “The Government of the Militias Confronts the Republic
    of the Opposition.” A small headline in black, symbolizing death, pro-
    claimed: “The Wisdom of the Opposition and the [Tactical] Moves of the
    Lebanese Army Warded off Fitna.” al-Intiqad 1199, 26 January 2006.
    57.ome Hizbullah cadres bragged that the government would resign in S
    thirty-three hours; others affirmed that it would resign before thirty-three
    days. Neither materialized.
    58.l-Intiqad A 1199, 26 January 2007, 3. This was Nasrallah’s first fatwa in the
    political sphere.
    59.e Lebanese Army imposed a curfew from 8:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., which Th
    was the first such measure since a May 1973 curfew before the start of the
    civil war.
    60.uoting a hadith by Prophet Muhammad, Q al-Safir’s front-page editorial
    admonished against discord: “Fitna is slumbering; God damn [Those] who
    woke it up.” See Editorial, al-Safir 10611, 26 January 2007.

  2. Lebanese daily newspapers the next day, especially al-Nahar.

  3. On a talk show on Iranian satellite TV, al-‘Alam [The World].
    63.or instance, on 9 August 2006, Nasrallah appeared on Lebanese TV pro- F
    grams unequivocally endorsing the Seven Points.^
    64.e Th al-Akhbar daily is even closer to Hizbullah than al-Safir, which is
    Nasserite in its overall approach.
    65.the morning talk show On Naharkum Sa‘id [Good Morning] on LBCI on
    27 April 2007.
    66.30 May 2007, UNSC Resolution 1757 established an international tri- On
    bunal for the Hariri murder, effective 10 June 2007.

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