Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1
Alagha 487

Lebanese civil war as a proxy war fought on behalf of others, as the title of
his book suggests: Une guerre pour les autres. Ghassan Tuéni, Une guerre
pour les autres [A war for others](Paris: Jean-Claude Lattès, 1985).
73.lthough the Patriarch stressed that the president should be elected by a A
two-thirds majority in the parliament (as the Hizbullah-led opposition
argued), he cautioned that boycotting the parliamentary session to elect the
president was tantamount to boycotting Lebanon.

  1. According to AFP estimates; Reuters reported the death toll as 80.

  2. See Nasrallah’s speech of 26 May 2008.

  3. The vacant seat of assassinated MP Antoine Ghanem was not filled by con-
    ducting partial elections.

  4. See the editorial of al-Akhbar 524, 15 May 2008.

  5. See al-Intiqad 1291, 18 August 2008, 5. “Hizbullah and the 2009 Elections in Lebanon,” S European Union
    Institute for Security Studies (June 2009).
    80.t is important to point out that Hizbullah does not have complete hege- I
    mony over the Shi‘i public sphere, which includes such dissident voices as
    Sayyid Hani Fahs (a Shi‘i intellectual), Sayyid ‘Ali al-Amin (the ex-Mufti
    of Tyre and Jabal ‘Amil), Shaykh Muhammad al-Hajj Hasan (the Leader of
    the Free Shi‘i Movement—al-Tayyar al-Shi‘i al-Hurr),^ Shaykh Yusuf Kanj,
    Shaykh Subhi al-Tufayli, and Ahmad al-As‘ad.

  6. Nasrallah’s “Easter Speech” of 8 April 2007. Al-Intiqad 1428, 13 April 2007,

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