Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1


Joseph Alagha, senior researcher, associate professor of Islamic Studies
at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, is the author of The
Shifts in Hizbullah’s Ideology (Amsterdam University Press, 2006). He
has contributed various articles on Islamic movements, Iran, Lebanon,
Hizbullah, the Palestinian Intifada, jihādī Salafism, and political mobili-
zation and performing arts in the Middle East to festschriften and inter-
national journals, including Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Insight
Turkey, Journal of Palestine Studies, Shia Affairs Journal, Arab Studies
Quarterly, Middle East Report, ORIENT, Studies on Islam, ISIM Review
and Sharqiyyat: Journal of the Dutch Association for Middle Eastern and
Islamic Studies.

Masserat Amir-Ebrahimi studied urban sociology (MA, 1986) and
human, economic and regional geography (PhD, 1999) at the University
of Paris X, Nanterre. She is associate researcher in Monde Iranien (CNRS)
in Paris and was a 2006–07 Keddie-Balzan Fellow at the University of
California (Los Angeles) in the departments of sociology and geography.

Michelle Campos is assistant professor of Middle East history at the
University of Florida. Her book Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians,
and Jews in Early Twentieth Century Palestine will be published in the

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