Publics, Politics and Participation

(Wang) #1


fall of 2010 by Stanford University Press. She is currently working on
two new projects that deal with late Ottoman religious modernism and
political culture and Ottoman Palestinian social and economic networks,

Eric Davis is professor of political science at Rutgers University and a
2007–08 Carnegie Scholar. His publications include Memories of State:
Politics, History and Collective Identity in Modern Iraq (University of
California, 2005); Challenging Colonialism: Bank Misr and Egyptian
Industrialization, 1920–1941 (Princeton, 1983) (Arabic translation:
Institute for Arab Development, 1986); and, with Nicolas Gavrielides,
Statecraft in the Middle East: Oil, Historical Memory and Popular Culture
(University Press of Florida, 1991). He is currently finishing a study of
post-Ba‘thist Iraq, Taking Democracy Seriously in Iraq. Dr. Davis received
his PhD from the University of Chicago.

Zeynep Gambetti is associate professor of political theory at Boğaziçi
University, Istanbul. She has published several articles on Arendt, the
Kurdish movement, mob violence and the neoliberal order. She is cur-
rently exploring a theoretical framework through which to reflect upon
political spaces of encounter and communication.

Ratiba Hadj-Moussa is associate professor in the department of sociol-
ogy at York University, Toronto. She is the author of Le corps, l’histoire,
les rapports de genres dans le cinéma algérien (Montreal/Paris: Editions
Balzac/Editions Publisud, 1994) and the co-editor of Les convergences cul-
turelles dans les sociétés pluriethiniques (Presses de l’Université du Québec,
1996) and The Mediterranean Reconsidered (Québec: Canadian Museum
of Civilization, 2005). Her forthcoming book is titled Public Space and
New Media in the Maghreb.

Sune Haugbolle is assistant professor of Arabic at the Department for
Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Copenhagen University. He is the
author of War and Memory in Lebanon (Cambridge University Press,
2010) and co-editor with Anders Hastrup of The Politics of Violence, Truth
and Reconciliation in the Arab Middle East (Routledge, 2009).

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