PC Magazine - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

Below are some questions to explore while you’re in discovery.


  • What is its purpose?

  • What outcomes do you want?

  • What resources do you have to take on this project?

    your resources?

  1. Define the Scope
    You might hear an experienced project manager say, “If it’s not in the scope, it’s
    not in the project.”

Every project needs a locked-down list of all the facets, assets, features,
deliverables, and other details associated with the project. Once it’s locked
down, you cannot add to it. For example, if you’re building a house, the scope
many windows there will be, how many stairs, light switches, and so forth.

Projects need a clear scope before you begin so no one tries to add anything
that’s outside the scope once you’ve started. Adding to a project’s scope after it
adding tasks to a project, it might cease to become a project—it might just
become ongoing work.

conversations between the client and potential lead or manager of the project.

  1. Hold a Kickoff Meeting
    This meeting sets the tone for the work ahead and makes sure everyone on the
    team has clear information about what they’ll be doing and why.

page, you want to be sure you have a clear grasp of the project and scope so that

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