Life Skills & Leadership Manual | Page 11 of 11
Related youth knowledge and skill development training
Units 3 and 4 in this manual address life skills necessary for working effectively in collaboration with
others on any project activity. The culminating activities in Unit 4 engage participants in collaborating on
a relatively simply project—helping each other to review the key concepts and skills of the Life Skills and
Leadership training course. Advanced skills development in volunteerism, service learning, or project
design and management is beyond the scope of this training course. If the facilitator, in collaboration
with his or her youth group, determines that the group would like to pursue further skills development
in these areas, the following Peace Corps resources will be useful and effective:
The New Project Design and Management Workshop Training Manual [ICE No. T0107]
Volunteerism Action Guide: Multiplying the Power of Service [ICE No. CD062]