Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 1: Me and My Assets | Page 5 of 93
B. Summary
Summarize by checking for understanding. Say:
“Since all questions are good questions, please let me know if anyone has questions to help them better
understand this list of assets.”
Note: If there are questions, take the time to respond. You might ask the participants if they can answer their peers’
questions, such as, “Who can help answer this question? What do you think is the answer to this question?” This will help
you gauge their grasp of the concepts.
III. Practice (30 minutes)
Handout 1: Becoming Resilient
A. Yes, I Have Assets
Participants identify assets that they have and others they would like to develop.
- Using the handout, ask participants to mark assets that are their strengths. Say:
“As we’ve discussed, assets help us accomplish difficult tasks and stay strong during tough times. They
help us be successful. We each have some of these assets, but not many people have all of them. You
may feel very strong in some and less strong in others. Put an ‘X’ next to all of the assets you have.
Maybe they are the same assets we identified on our ‘Helping Factors’ list. If you feel that any of the
assets are really strong, you can put ‘XX’ next to the asset.”
- Ask participants to turn to someone next to them and briefly and quickly share two to three assets
they have. (If the number of participants is uneven, make one group of three.) After about two
minutes, make sure each person in the pair has had a chance to share. If not, give them another
minute. Then, ask for volunteers to share a few of their own assets with the large group. - Using the same handout, ask participants to mark assets they would like to develop. Say:
“You can also work to make some assets stronger or more useful for you. Or you can develop some
assets that you don’t yet have. I’d like you to look at the whole list and put a smiley face ‘’ next to at
least two strengths or assets you would like to develop in your life.”
- Ask participants to turn back to their partners and briefly and quickly share two to three assets they
would like to develop and why. After about two minutes, make sure each person in the pair has had a
chance to share. If not, give them another minute. Then, ask for volunteers to share a few of these
assets with the large group.
Note: An alternative could be to ask participants to write two assets they have on a sticky note and two assets that they
would like to develop on a second sticky note. Then participants could affix their sticky notes to flip charts at the front – one
titled “Assets I Have” and the other, “Assets to Develop.” As the participants are sharing what they wrote with a partner,
the facilitator could group the sticky notes and see if there were any commonalities or differences and talk about them with
the large group after the pair sharing.