Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 3, Session 3: Steps for Action | Page 34 of 67
“What are the advantages of having a plan for one’s future? (Possible answers: Having the
ability to anticipate challenges. Having some measure of control. The ability to gather
resources. Knowing some of the smaller steps you need to take to reach the goal)
What are some of the limitations to having a plan for the future? (Possible answers: Being
‘locked’ into a definite ‘track.’ Decreased openness to unforeseen possibilities.) [note possible
connections to various cultural differences; i.e., if people do not feel they have much control
over their future.]
Which of the challenges you will face are similar to challenges other people might face?
How might you use the Steps of Problem Solving (Flip chart 3) to overcome challenges and
Note: “Getting from Here to There” and the discussion questions serve as a partial assessment of Learning Objective 1.
B. Summary
Conclude the activity by saying:
“Of course, no one knows what the future will hold and what challenges you will really face as you try
to reach your goal. But, if you have given it some thought ahead of time, you might be more prepared
when an upset or challenge occurs.”
III. Practice ( 30 minutes)
Handout 1: My Target Goal
Flip chart 4: Your Target Dream
Participant Maps from “Getting from Here to There”
Trainer Material 1: Target Goal: Short-Term Example
Pens or pencils
A. My Target
Participants write goals and identify the specific knowledge, skills, and support they need to achieve a
short-term goal.
- Prepare participants for the activity. Say:
“There are several things to keep in mind when making an action plan. Remember that we learned how
to make goals that are SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. That’s the
first requirement.
“Besides a good goal, it’s important to know what you need for your journey and what you already
have. We are going to practice with these ideas in the next activity.”
- Distribute Handout 1: My Target Goal and refer participants to the maps they made in the Information
section. Say: