Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1


The Life Skills and Leadership Manual was supported in part by USAID (through contributions
from USAID/Africa Bureau/Sustainable Development) funds provided under the Global

Education Framework Agreement.

The Life Skills and Leadership Training Package and this accompanying manual are designed to

address the Peace Corps Youth in Development core skills development for youth. The concepts

and learning objectives were outlined by Ambet Yangco, youth sector manager for

PC/Philippines; Peace Corps/Washington Youth in Development Specialists Katie Green and Jim

Russell; and Tanya Gipson-Nahman, chief of the Program Support Unit in the Office of Overseas
Programming and Training Support. It was written through a contract with The Firefly Group of

Guilford, Vermont, coordinated by Russell. Field reviews and input came from the following

posts: PC/Ecuador, PC/Morocco, PC/Paraguay, PC/Peru, PC/Philippines, PC/Tunisia.

The Peace Corps expresses its gratitude to all who contributed to this important skills

development resource for Volunteers and their counterparts and the youth they serve.

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