Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 2: Stages of Adolescence | Page 14 of 95

Session 2: Stages of Adolescence

Date: Time: 120 minutes Facilitator(s):

Facilitator preparation:

  1. Copy handouts –one for each participant

  2. Gather art supplies

Note: The personal posters made by participants in the Assessment section should be saved by the
facilitator. Participants will add to them in the Assessment section of Session 3, the Application section
of Session 4, the Application section of Session 5, and in the Assessment section of Session 7.



  1. Art supplies (markers, glue, old picture magazines, paint, brushes, etc.)

  2. Poster board or large sheets of heavy paper
    Handout 1: Development During Adolescence
    Handout 2: Personal Dramas
    Trainer materials
    Trainer Material 1: Personal Dramas Answer Key

Learning Objective(s):

  1. After studying a chart of the Stages of Adolescent Development and analyzing fictional situations,
    participants will describe at least one indicator of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes they are
    experiencing or will experience as they develop.

  2. Using locally available materials and found objects, each participant will create a poster that represents
    his or her uniqueness and appreciation of himself or herself.

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