Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 3: My Leadership Role (Optional) | Page 34 of 91
Session 3: My Leadership Role (Optional)
Date: Time: 90 minutes Facilitator(s):
Facilitator preparation:
- Gather the materials for the tasks of the green and yellow teams.
- Be prepared to show the flip chart “Leadership Qualities” that was generated during the discussion with
participants during the Information section of Unit 4, Session 1, “What is a Leader?” - Bring the participants’ copies of Handout 1: I am a Leader (completed in the Practice phase of Unit 4,
Session 2).
Note: This session builds on Session 2 by providing additional opportunities for participants to practice a different group leadership role, choosing from among
those roles identified in that session. If you think that time is short, it would be OK to skip this session and proceed directly to Session 4. It may be enough for
participants to understand that there are various team roles that they can choose in the future.
- Index cards or small papers (about 150-200 for each green team and the same amount for each
yellow team) - Tape (may be substituted by paper clips)
Prepared flip charts
Flip chart 1: Leadership Actions
Flip chart 2: Leadership Qualities (This flip chart was generated during the discussion with participants
during the Information section of Unit 4, Session 1, “What is a Leader?”)
Flip chart 3: Teamwork Questions
Handout 1: Leadership Actions Practice (This is a variation of Handout 1: I am a Leader from Unit 4,
Session 2)
(Participants’ copies of Handout 1: I Am a Leader that they completed in Unit 4, Session 2)
Trainer materials
Learning Objectives:
- Working as a team, participants will practice at least one different leadership role than what they
normally do. - Working as a team, participants will demonstrate at least two skills learned from previous sessions.