Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 3: My Leadership Role (Optional) | Page 39 of 91

a. “I’d like to get some reactions from the yellow team that built the bridge or archway.

  1. How do you feel about your success? (Pause after this question and each of the following
    questions for responses.)

  2. How well do you think you included all your team members?

  3. What are some examples when you used a leadership action?”

b. “Now I’d like to hear from the green team that observed the yellow team building the bridge or

  1. What are some examples of leadership actions or qualities that you saw as the yellow team
    built its bridge? (Pause for responses.)

Note: The discussion questions in Steps 5 and 7 are a partial assessment of Learning Objective 1.

B. Summary
Conclude the exercise by saying:

“It’s difficult to remember to practice leadership actions and qualities in the middle of a complex task
while the clock is ticking and you don’t have much time. But everyone made a good effort to try new
strategies for being a leader.”

IV. Application ( 25 minutes)
Flip chart 3: Teamwork Questions
Handout 1: Leadership Actions Practice

A. Yellow Team, Green Team (continued)
Participants analyze their performance in a team to further understand the complexity of working on a team.

  1. Invite participants to reflect on the previous team activity. Say:

“Please look at your ‘Leadership Actions Practice’ handout and the leadership action that you put your
name next to. Take a moment to think about what happened when you tried that leadership action.
Maybe you were able to do it. Maybe you were not able to try it. If you tried it were you successful or
not? Make a note, just a word or two, about what happened either way. Whatever happened is OK.”

  1. Allow about 3 minutes for participants to think, then say:

“Green team members, I’d like you to find a partner from the yellow team that watched you build your
tower. (Pause so pairs can be formed. Groups of three are OK, too.) Please talk about your efforts to try
a new leadership action. Talk about what you tried, what happened, and what you might do differently
next time.

“If you are from the yellow team, listen to what your partner(s) tells you. Use the questions on Flip chart
3 if you want. If the person wants it, be ready to give suggestions to him or her of what she or he can do
next time.”
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