Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 3: My Leadership Role (Optional) | Page 41 of 91

B. Summary
Conclude the activity by saying:

“Today we reinforced the idea that each person on a team has something important that the group
needs and that they can contribute. It may be making a suggestion, helping to reach a decision,
creating opportunities for other members to contribute, being a listener, or summarizing what people
have said.

“We also learned that in the middle of a complex task or with time pressure, it’s difficult to use these
leadership skills effectively. The ability to be an effective leader is something you can learn. By focusing
on the qualities of good leaders and looking for opportunities to practice leadership actions, you can
gradually become more effective as a leader.

“Please keep your handout from today, along with the one you completed last time we met called ‘I am
a Leader.’ I want to encourage you to practice these leadership actions you have chosen whenever you
find yourself in a group. We will also be able to practice them in our next session when we look more
closely at leadership and working on a project as a group.”

V. Assessment ( 0 minutes)

The assessment has been integrated throughout the session and is noted within:

Learning Objective 1: Practice leadership roles and team member roles.
Assessed in Practice, Steps 5 and 7 , discussion questions.

Learning Objective 2: Demonstrate two skills learned from previous sessions.
Assessed in Application, “Yellow Team, Green Team” (continued) Steps 1, 2 , and 3 discussion

Note: The activity “Yellow Team, Green Team” was inspired by the following resource. However, no text was copied or adapted.

Sivasailam Thiagarajan. Design Your Own Games and Activities. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons. 2003.

Facilitator Notes for Future Improvement

Date & Facilitator Name: [What went well? What would you do differently? Did you need more/less time for certain

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