Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 4: The Project Cycle | Page 51 of 91

B. Summary
Summarize by saying:

“Knowing and using the project cycle increases the likelihood your project will be successful because it
helps you to include everyone who might be interested. It also gives you a chance to make a solid plan
so that everyone on your teams knows what they can do to help.”

III. Practice ( 30 minutes)
Flip chart 1: The Project Cycle
Flip chart paper, tape
Trainer Material 2: Project Cycle Questions & Activities
Handout 3: Questions and Activities that has been cut into squares of either questions or activities (one
set for each team)

A. Learning about the Project Cycle (continued)
Participants reinforce knowledge about the project cycle through practice.

  1. Introduce the activity by pointing to Flip chart 1: The Project Cycle. Say:

“Notice that at each step of the project cycle there are both questions you can ask and actions you can
take. So there are some smaller steps you can take at each of the five main steps of the cycle. I’d like
you to have practice with different types of questions and actions that you might use in your own
projects in the future.”

  1. Give each team a copy of Handout 3: Questions and Activities that has been cut into individual
    questions and activities. Also give them a blank flip chart and tape. Say:

Note: Cut Handout 3 along the dotted lines. This will give each team five question papers and five activity papers to sort
into the project cycle steps. Use Trainer Material 2 as a guide to putting Handout 3 back together.

“Each team now has a stack of questions and a stack of activities. Please make a poster similar to Flip
chart 1. Then decide which step of the project cycle each question and activity best fits into. Use tape to
attach it below that step of the cycle.

  1. Give participants about 10 minutes to work. Then ask them to do a “gallery walk” and observe the
    posters of all the groups.

  2. Choose discussion questions for the whole group, as appropriate, from the following:

Which of your team’s decisions about where to place questions and actions are different from
other teams’ decisions? How do you explain these differences?
Which questions or actions did you have trouble fitting to a step of the project cycle?
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