Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 5: Our Project | Page 67 of 91

“Let’s look at Handout 2, which gives you the basic details for your project. You can see that numbers 1,
2, and 3 tell you what the project is. (Read numbers 1-3 and answer questions).

“Numbers 4 and 5 tell how long the presentation should be and what to include in the presentation that
you will give to the whole group the next time we meet. (Pause to answer questions.)

“Number 6 is a reminder to make sure everyone in your group is included. You should also remember to
use other skills of communication, problem solving, decision making, and creativity that you have
learned during the program.

“Number 7 is a reminder to follow the steps of the Project Cycle. I have included some questions that
you might wish to start with at each step. You and your team will probably finish the Identifying,
Planning, and Doing steps today. Some Doing and Reviewing steps may happen outside of this session,
but they will also happen next time when you give your presentation. The Celebration step will also
happen at our next session, after your presentation.”

  1. Answer any questions. Then say:

“To begin, I would like you and your team members to begin the first step of the Project Cycle (refer to
Flip chart 5), Identifying, by deciding which topic you will focus on for your presentation and what you
would like to say about it. The topics listed on the flip chart for your Unit are a good place to start.”

  1. Give participants about 10 minutes to confer in their groups. Be prepared to answer questions they
    may about each Unit so they can recall details of the topics. Then ask each group to share which topic
    will be the focus of its presentation.

B. Summary
Summarize by saying:

“Each team has now defined the topic for their presentation project. Next you will continue to use the
Project Cycle to complete the rest of your project.”

III. Practice ( 30 minutes)
Flip chart 5: The Project Cycle
Handout 3: Planning Steps
Trainer Materials: Participant handouts or Trainer Materials collected from each Unit of the training
program. See the list in the preparation section.

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