Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 2: Stages of Adolescence | Page 22 of 95
You’ve also had a chance to make a poster that shows where you are right now with images that
represent your strengths. It’s exciting for me to see all the talents and assets that each of you have! I’m
looking forward to learning more about you the next time we meet. Until then, I’d like you to be
thinking about the assets you would like to develop and try to identify adults you can turn to for
support. For now, I’ll ask you to leave your posters here so we can use them next time as we continue
our discussion of personal identity and self-esteem.”
For more information about adolescent development:
Konopka Institute, University of Minnesota. “Adolescent Health and Medicine.” Dr. Gisela Konopka. (accessed September 15, 2012).
Cornell University, Family Life Development Center. “Stages of Adolescent Development.” Sedra Spano. May 2004. (accessed September 15, 2012).
Facilitator Notes for Future Improvement
Date & Facilitator Name: [What went well? What would you do differently? Did you need more/less time for certain