Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 4, Session 6: Celebration and Reflection | Page 84 of 90
Remember that you began this presentation project in our last session, not only to review the life skills
that we have learned, but also to practice the steps of the project cycle. Can everyone repeat the steps
along with me? Identifying, planning, doing, reviewing, and celebrating.
Note: The activity “Project Presentations” is a partial assessment of Learning Objective 1.
B. Summary
Summarize by saying:
“This was not only a series of highly effective presentations, but also a great review of all we have
learned together. I hope you all feel proud and excited about your work on this team presentation
project because you not only worked together successfully, but also provided an important review to
the rest of the group.”
III. Practice ( 10 minutes)
Pens or pencils
Flip chart 1: Being a Team Member
A. My Team Membership
Participants practice using interpersonal skills to assess the effectiveness of their teamwork on the
presentation project.
- Ask participants to choose a partner whom they feel comfortable talking with. Say:
“It’s important for you to evaluate your own performance as a member of your team so I would like you
to think about how you have grown and changed in your ability to work effectively in a group. Think for
a moment about what it was like for you to be in a group before you started this training program. Also
think about the things you do now, after you have learned a few things and have had more practice
being a team member.”
- Let people think in silence for a minute. Then refer to Flip chart 1: Being a Team Member and say:
“Please talk to your partner for several minutes about your experience as a team member who has
learned to do new things. Use the statement on the flip chart to get started.”
- After about three minutes, tell participants to let their partner talk for the next three minutes if that
person has not already begun sharing. - After the three minutes have expired, invite anyone who wishes to share an example of how she or he
has changed and grown as a team member.
Note: This activity is a partial assessment of Learning Objective 1.