Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 2: Stages of Adolescence | Page 25 of 95
Lei: She is self-consciousness. Thinking that people are watching her or talking about her suggests an early
adolescent stage emotionally. That she might be “from the moon” reinforces this. Sometimes she cares;
sometimes she doesn’t, which suggests moodiness.
Assets that may be helpful: Feeling good about oneself; interacting effectively with others.
Poh: The early physical adolescent stage is suggested by Poh not having had a growth spurt while his friends
have. Concern that he will never grow up suggests an early stage emotionally.
Assets that may be helpful: Feeling good about oneself; interacting effectively with others.
Najat: Najat is beginning to distance himself from his parents by becoming critical of them. He is beginning to be
more invested in his peers. He is probably in the early to middle adolescent stage socially.
Assets that may be helpful: Interacting effectively with others; knowing adults who can help.
Amaya: Amaya is unclear about the direction for her future (marriage, university, and career), which seems too
far away to think about. She is more focused on the present and fulfilling her home responsibilities, which is
typical of someone in the early to middle stage mentally.
Assets that may be helpful: Making decisions and following up on them; having high standards and
Ismailia: Ismailia relates to her brothers as an adult and has many adult responsibilities, which indicate a late
adolescent stage socially. Emotionally, she is also mature, as suggested by her ability to balance complex
relationships with friends and her boyfriend.
Assets that may be helpful: Using time productively; knowing limits and expectations.
Adolpho: Mentally, Adolpho is mature in that he is able to think through an idea and he has well-defined work
habits and is able to focus on the future. Emotionally, his relationship to Louisa also sounds mature.
Assets that may be helpful: Making decisions and following up on them; feeling good about oneself and
one’s future.
Raja: Raja is in middle to late adolescence. Emotionally, he experiences extreme feelings toward Samia.
Mentally, he is beginning to think about future goals and is wondering about the meaning of his life.
Assets that may be helpful: Knowing adults who can help; interacting effectively with others.
Lana: Lana is in middle to late adolescence. Socially she is distanced from her father as she struggles for more
independence. She relies on her peers to confirm her relationship with her boyfriend. Emotionally, she feels
increased love toward her boyfriend.
Assets that may be helpful: Knowing adults who can help; knowing limits and expectations.