Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 3: Building Self-Confidence | Page 35 of 93
- Distribute markers or crayons. Watch for participants who are reluctant and ask if they need help or
suggestions. Be prepared to give them ideas about themselves to write in one or two sections. When
people have made as much graffiti as they want, say:
“This is a great representation of the positive characteristics of everyone here, along with some great
examples of people who can offer help when you need it. I’d like you to look at all the ideas here and
find at least two or three that you could add to the personal poster that you made during our last
session. You can add anything that speaks to you, whether you put it on the graffiti wall yourself or not.
Also, choose at least three ‘buildup’ statements that you can add to your poster. You can use your
‘Resource’ index cards to write your notes, or if you have your personal poster you can write on it
Note: Be sure to collect the participants’ personal posters for use in the Application section (“What’s Most Valuable?”) of
Session 4: Choosing Positive Values and later in the Assessment section of Session 7.
B. Summary
After participants have made additions to their posters or index cards, summarize the activity by saying:
“The items you just added to your personal poster or ‘Resource’ index cards are positive things about
you that are worth having in plain sight, right on the outside of your ‘house.’ The poster and index card
can be reminders of the good person you are, the strengths and assets you have within, and the even
better person that you will become.”
Note: The activity “In Plain Sight” and the addition of affirmations to personal posters serves as an assessment of Learning
Objectives 1 and 3.
C. 3 - 2 - 1!
Participants articulate how they will apply buildup statements in their own lives.
- Hold up three fingers and ask participants to share the following with a person nearby:
“Quickly tell your neighbor three positive comments or buildup statements you think you will use
between now and the next time we meet.”
- Hold up two fingers and ask participants to share the following with a different person nearby:
“Quickly tell your neighbor two situations where you think your buildup statements will be helpful and
how you might use them in your life, between now and the next time we meet.”
- Hold up one finger and ask participants to share the following with a third person in the room (they
might need to move around the room to find this new partner):
“Quickly tell your new partner one person with whom you will share something about what you learned
in today’s session; maybe it’s someone who can help you practice your buildup statements.”