Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 6: Stress and Emotions | Page 73 of 93
“Here is an exercise that you can use when you feel stressed out—and it only takes a few
- Invite participants to sit comfortably and close their eyes. Then read the script for “Relax and Chill”
from Trainer Material 1.
C. Summary
Gently bring participants’ attention back to the room by inviting them to open their eyes. Summarize
by saying:
“When you feel stressed, it’s important to create some ‘space’ to cool down. You can use this
activity on your own by sitting calmly and slowing your breathing while you remember your special,
peaceful place. You don’t have to go through the whole script. With practice, you won’t have to
close your eyes or even sit down. You’ll be able to take a few deep breaths to become more relaxed.
If you can take a deep breath and count to five before you react to what other people are doing,
that will give you a few moments to make sure you are moving in a positive direction.”
V. Assessment (20 minutes)
Flip chart of stress management ideas generated in previous activity
Small ball or other safe object to toss
A. Better Than Angry
Participants determine specific stress management strategies they can use on their own.
- Explain to participants that you would like them to review the stress management ideas. Say:
“Let’s review the ideas you have listed on the flip chart for how to calm down or reduce stress. I’d like
each of you to choose one that you could silently act out for the rest of the group.”
- Give people a few moments to collect their thoughts, then toss a ball or similar safe object to someone
to begin. Encourage other participants to guess the stress reduction strategy that is being acted. Give
the actor a round of applause. Invite the actor to toss the ball to another person. Continue until
everyone has had a turn. Say:
“We talked before about how we do things to meet our needs. By doing the activities on this list, we
can help ourselves feel better. They help us satisfy the needs that we have after our daily needs of
water, food, shelter, and safety have been met. Such needs include a positive self-image, love, meaning,
being connected to other people, and so forth.
“Let’s look at both our list of stress management strategies and our list of what we need. Which are
some needs that can be met by doing a particular stress management activity?”
Possible answers:
Positive Image (feeling good about myself): exercise