Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 6: Stress and Emotions | Page 74 of 93
Safety and security: walking in nature; leaving the scene
Independence: leaving the scene
Love and support: talking to a friend
Using skills: playing music
Meaning and purpose: caring for a pet, helping someone, meditating or praying
- Ask participants to write some stress management strategies next to the particular needs they might
address on their handout “What We Need.”
B. Summary
Summarize the activity by saying:
“So when we use these techniques to control our stress, we also meet important needs for ourselves. I’d
like each of you to choose at least one stress management activity that you don’t usually use and
promise to try it out in the next few days. Please write your name on the flip chart next to the activities
you will try. You can choose ones that someone else has also chosen as long as it’s something you are
willing to try. I’ll check with you next time we meet to see how it went!”
Note: The discussion in “Better Than Angry” and the choice of a stress management activity serve as an assessment of
Learning Objective 3.
Note: Be sure to keep Flip chart 2: Reducing Stress with the additions made by participants for use in the Motivation section
of Session 7.
For more information about basic human needs:
Deci, Edward and Richard Flast. Why We Do What We Do. New York: Putnam’s Sons. 1995.
Simply Psychology, “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,” by Saul McLeod, 2012 (accessed September 15, 2012)
The Official Maslow Publications Site, “A Current List of Books and Articles.”
(accessed September 15, 2012).
Facilitator Notes for Future Improvement
Date & Facilitator Name: [What went well? What would you do differently? Did you need more/less time for certain