Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 6: Stress and Emotions | Page 75 of 93

Trainer Material 1: Script for Relaxation Activity

Relax and Chill

Note: Make appropriate adjustments to the script for your setting. For example, omit references to chairs if the group is
meeting outdoors. Read the script slowly, pausing after each line.

Close your eyes and sit comfortably. Feel your seat on the chair. Feel your

body sink into the chair.

Breathe deeply and slowly.

Breathe fully into your chest. Feel the breath fill your lungs.

When you exhale, exhale slowly. Try to gently release all the breath from

your lungs. Pause when all your breath is out before taking the next


Think of a place you have been where you felt calm, relaxed, and

peaceful. It could be outdoors. It could be a room in your house or a

place of worship.

What does this place look like? Try to recall details about it. As you

picture the place in your mind, feel yourself becoming more relaxed and


Inhale slowly and exhale slowly. Try to slow your breathing even more.

Feel yourself relax. Feel the muscles in your face relax and your

expression soften.

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