Life Skills and Leadership Manual - Peace Corps

(Michael S) #1
Life Skills & Leadership: Unit 1, Session 6: Stress and Emotions | Page 77 of 93

Handout 1: What We Need

Just as a house needs a good supply of sturdy materials for strength and durability, each of us have needs that must be
met in order to thrive and grow from childhood, through adolescence, to adulthood. There are some things that we need
every day in order just to survive. We can go for a while without having other needs met but we may not be very happy
while we wait!

When we are upset, angry, fearful, or experiencing other negative feelings, it is because we don’t have some of the things
we need. If we can identify what those needs are, we might discover another way of having them satisfied.

Which of these needs listed below are most important to you?
What are some needs you would add to this list?
Which needs do you think you are able to go without having for a while?
How have you reacted and what have you done when you couldn’t get something you needed?
How does knowing about these needs help you better understand the feelings of others?



Shelter from the weather

Safety from physical or emotional harm

Security of oneself and one’s home

Good health

Love from parents, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or friends

Positive image of oneself

Support of teachers, employers, religious leaders, other adults

Belonging to a family, tribe, clan, or social group

Recognition of skills and the opportunity to use them

Independence to choose and control one’s life

Meaning and a sense of purpose in life
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