The Language of Argument

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C H A P T E R 6 ■ P r o p o s i t i o n a l L o g i c

Truth Tables for Conditionals

For conjunction, disjunction, and negation, the truth table method provides
an approach that is at once plausible and effective. A propositional condi-
tional is also compounded from two simpler propositions, and this suggests
that we might be able to offer a truth table definition for these conditionals
as well. What should the truth table look like? When we try to answer this
question, we get stuck almost at once, for it is unclear how we should fill in
the table in three out of four cases.
p q If p, then q
T T?
F T?
F F?

It seems obvious that a conditional cannot be true if the antecedent is true
and the consequent is false. We record this by putting “F” in the second row.
But suppose “p” and “q” are replaced by two arbitrary true propositions—
say, “Two plus two equals four” and “Chile is in South America.” Consider
what we shall say about the conditional:
If two plus two equals four, then Chile is in South America.
This is a very strange statement, because the arithmetical remark in the ante-
cedent does not seem to have anything to do with the geographical remark
in the consequent. So this conditional is odd—indeed, extremely odd—but
is it true or false? At this point, a reasonable response is bafflement.
Consider the following argument, which is intended to solve all these
problems by providing reasons for assigning truth values in each row of the
truth table. First, it seems obvious that, if “If p, then q” is true, then it is not the
case that both “p” is true and “q” is false. That in turn means that “~(p & ~q)”
must be true. The following, then, seems to be a valid argument form:
If p, then q.
∴~(p & ~q)
Second, we can also reason in the opposite direction. Suppose we know that
“~(p & ~q)” is true. For this to be true, “p & ~q” must be false. We know this
from the truth table definition of negation. Next let us suppose that “p” is
true. Then “~q” must be false. We know this from the truth table definition
of conjunction. Finally, if “~q” is false, then “q” itself must be true. This line
of reasoning is supposed to show that the following argument form is valid:
~(p & ~q)
∴If p, then q.
The first step in the argument was intended to show that we can validly derive
“~(p & ~q)” from “If p, then q.” The second step was intended to show that the

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