The Language of Argument

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R e f u t a t i o n b y P a r a l l e l R e a s o n i n g


(^1) Stephen Colbert, I Am America (And So Can You!) (New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2007), 198.

  1. Buses use more gas than cars, so the city cannot reduce gas consumption
    by providing more buses.

  2. Boxing can’t be very bad, since so many people like it.

  3. This war is just, for to say otherwise in public would be to aid our

  4. If you don’t buy the most expensive shoes, you buy cheap ones. You don’t
    want cheap shoes. So you should buy the most expensive shoes.

  5. I’d rather be smart than strong, so I am going to quit exercising and spend
    all day in the library.

  6. You don’t want to be this murderer’s next victim, so you had better
    convict her and send her to prison where she can’t hurt you.

  7. If it weren’t for America, these refugees would have nowhere to go; so
    they should adopt the American way of life and give up their old culture.

  8. You can’t be right, because, if the answer were that obvious, someone
    would have thought of it before.

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