Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

(singke) #1
Wario Land ‘Shake It’ YouTube Shake-up 93


Internet users are jaded with standard online display advertising – it’s more
than simple banner blindness, these days many web-savvy youngsters make
a conscious effort to avoid run-of-the-mill online ads. Against that backdrop
advertisers need to work harder than ever to capture the increasingly frag-
mented attention of their audience. They need to innovate, to think outside
the box... to interact and engage with online communities in truly creative and
compelling ways. With the Wario Land ‘Shake It’ YouTube shake-up Nintendo
certainly achieved that.

Marketers, the experience of both agency and advertiser was plain to see
here, but why is it that some advertisers always seem to be coming late to
the party? Start thinking about the next big thing in digital today – ask your
agency to keep an eye on upcoming sites, apps, trends. Actively look for ways
to be different, be the first to exploit an opportunity for your brand to stand
out, as opposed to being an also-ran. You also need to be mindful of the fickle
nature of the digital space – what is leading edge today becomes trailing edge

This market moves much much faster than anything we have ever experi-
enced, and as advertisers you need to match that pace of innovation and

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