Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

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192 The Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

the book – more than US $500,000 raised via Twitter alone and almost 90,000
mosquito nets sent to help those less fortunate.

Digital media continues to show its mettle in this area – check out SMS For
Life campaign and see how mobile technology is saving lives in Tanzania and
other parts of the world. Another campaign showing how digital can help
others is Barnado’s, a truly brilliant example of how interactive video can
engage an audience.

We loved Wario Land’s campaign for its new Wii game. Instead of using a
page takeover they went for a page destroyer and let the games’ characters
decimate the screen for those inclined. That brings us swiftly on to ‘rich
media’... how rich exactly? Stinking! Take a look at what AvatarLabs pro-
duced for movies Star Trek and WALL-E.

The Australian theme continued to feature prominently throughout the
research – Foster’s and its concept of ‘shadow napping’ became practically a
social phenomenon while, from the same amber nectar, we encountered
‘The Ozometer’, a cool online application designed to measure your level of
‘no worries’. Perhaps we should test that on our publisher!

We didn’t expect to see IBM play a role, but its campaign to keep software
projects on track certainly made the cut, as did fellow techies Nokia, who
showed how to cultivate and engage with an audience resulting in the crea-
tion of more than 30,000 widgets for its N97 phone.

Art played a role, however subjective you may feel that is, or isn’t, or is! See
the case studies from Frankfurt as the city was engaged in a digital art project
and read of our Portuguese cousins who convinced Pampero Rum to get
behind another alternative art project.

Of course no book on digital marketing success would be complete without
some reference to the ground-breaking Obama election (recommended read
for the full story, Yes We Did by Rahaf Harfoush).
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