Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

(singke) #1
Looking Forward to a Creative Digital Future 197

years old. Facebook is just six and as for Twitter... well the word ‘meteoric’
springs to mind. Now think that in several years’ time we may rely on real-
time reports that score the most logical places to engage customers based on
data, some of which hasn’t been created yet but presupposed on what the
individual or the brand does to stimulate thought. This sounds like creative to


And I guess that is what this book was all about in the first place. We now
know advertisers invest more in online creative than they used to – we can
also see evidence that they (advertisers) are allowing more control into the
hands of their target audiences than ever before. Our recommendation to
advertisers is to try everything. Look beyond the market research, get over
ancient obsessions with ‘reach and frequency’ models. Invest in respectful
marketing that doesn’t treat your audience like lemons – get them involved

Be wary of agencies that sell to you based on their ability to buy media cheaper
than their foes. In fact, do your own ‘digital audit’ of an agency based on its
social media footprint and its ranking in search engines too – if they genuinely
‘get’ digital, it will be all over it. Take part in the online discussion about you
and find ways to play around with mobile. Playing is a great way to learn. I am
told that most advertisers now want apps but don’t know why – this is encour-
aging to hear.

Thanks for reading our book and thanks again to all those who took part in the

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