Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World

(singke) #1



NB: page numbers in italic indicate figures or illustrations/photographs

15 swing states see Barack
Obama’s 2008 presidential

action for
12 cams create your
rainbow 163–64
Absolut Vodka – an Absolut
world 88
Barack Obama’s 2008
presidential campaign
(and) 182–83
acquisition of contact
information 182
engagement through
e-mail 182
relevant branding 182–83
Barnado’s Break the Cycle
campaign: ‘Hunting’
film 176
Disney/Pixar Wall-E game
(and) 98–99

Papervision 3D Flash
plug-in 98–99
respecting the brand 98
sharing content 98
Dockers ‘Pants Dance’ 26, 27
Doritos Hotel 626 38–39, 39
Foster’s Ozometer 125–26
Foster’s Shadow/Virtual Shadow
campaigns 119–21
IBM’s Lost in Space 140–41
Lynx Primal Instinct 46–47
Malaria No More: World Malaria
Day 168
Mercedes Benz smart fortwo
car 34–35
Nintendo Wario Land ‘Shake It’
game 92
Nokia’s Online as it Happens
campaign 148–49, 150
Pampero’s Ephemeral
Museum 152

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