Real Restaurant Recipes: Food That Built a Business

(Tina Sui) #1

  • simple syrup - two parts water and one part sugar cooked together

  • skim - removing fat or impurities that have risen to the top of a liquid being cooked

  • slivered - thin slices about 1/4 inch by 1/8 inch

  • smoking point - the temperature at which fat breaks down and starts smoking

  • steam - to cook by direct contact with steam

  • steel - a dowel-shaped tool used to sharpen knives

  • steep - to soak dry ingredients in water or another liquid until the flavor is infused into
    the liquid

  • stew - to gradually cook ingredients in a covered pot for a long time (until tender)

  • stir-fry - fast frying in a small amount of oil over very high heat while continuously
    stirring ingredients

  • stock - the liquid that you have left after simmering bones, vegetables and seasonings in
    water or another liquid

  • strain - to separate and reserve the liquid contents from a cooking process such as
    straining the liquid from the bones and vegetables for stock

  • sweat - to cook in a very small amount of fat over low heat (sometimes covered) without
    browning to release flavors and moisture

Cooking Terms Starting With "T"

  • thin - reducing the thickness of a liquid by adding more liquid

  • toss - mixing ingredients by gently tossing together with an upward motion

Cooking Terms Starting With

"U" - "V" - "W" - "X" - "Y" - "Z"

  • unleavened - baked items that have no ingredients to give them volume (no yeast, no
    eggs, no baking powder for example)

  • vinaigrette - an acidic sauce or dressing

  • water bath - setting a container in a pan of simmering water to keep it hot

  • whisk - to quickly mix air into ingredients; also the name of a cooking tool for
    accomplishing this task

  • zest - the outer part of the rind (no white) of citrus cut into thin strips

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