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Patience, Patients
- Patience (noun). The capacity of being patient (waiting for a period of time or
enduring pains and trials calmly).
The novice teacher’s patience with the unruly class was astounding.
- Patients (plural noun). Individuals under medical care.
The patients were tired of eating the hospital food, and they could not wait for a
home-cooked meal.
Sees, Seas, Seize
- Sees (verb). To perceive with the eye.
He sees a whale through his binoculars.
- Seas (plural noun). The plural of sea, a great body of salt water.
The tidal fluctuation of the oceans and seas are influenced by the moon.
- Seize (verb). To possess or take by force.
The king plans to seize all the peasants’ land.
Threw, Through
- Threw (verb). The past tense of throw.
She threw the football with perfect form.
- Through (preposition). A word that indicates movement.
She walked through the door and out of his life.