Business English for Success

(avery) #1

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Remember the following uses of relative pronouns:

  • Who, whom, and whose refer only to people.

  • Which refers to things.

  • That refers to people or things.

The following examples show how a relative pronoun may be used to connect two
sentences and to connect details to the subject.

Sentence 1: Gossip is a form of communication.

Sentence 2: It is a waste of time and energy.

Combination of 1 and 2: Gossip is a form of communication that is a waste of time
and energy.

Notice how the relative pronoun that replaces the subject it in sentence 2.

That is called a relative pronoun because it connects the details (is a waste of time and
energy) to the subject (Gossip).

Sentence 1: My grandmother is eighty years old.

Sentence 2: She collects seashells.

Combination of 1 and 2: My grandmother, who is eighty years old, collects seashells.

Notice how the relative pronoun who replaces the subject she in sentence 2.

Who is called a relative pronoun because it connects the details (is eighty years old) to
the subject (My grandmother).

Exercise 3

On a separate sheet of paper, complete the following sentences by selecting the correct
relative pronoun.

  1. He showed me a photo (who, that) upset me.

  2. Soccer is a fast moving game (who, that) has many fans worldwide.

  3. Juan is a man (which, who) has high standards for everything.

  4. Jamaica is a beautiful country (that, who) I would like to visit next year.

  5. My mother only eats bananas (who, that) are green.

Exercise 4

On a separate sheet of paper, combine the two sentences into one sentence using a
relative pronoun.

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