Business English for Success

(avery) #1

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Table 4.5 Regular Simple Past Tense Verbs

Verb I He/She/It You We They
ask asked asked asked asked asked
bake baked baked baked baked baked
cook cooked cooked cooked cooked cooked
cough coughed coughed coughed coughed coughed
clap clapped clapped clapped clapped clapped
dance danced danced danced danced danced
erase erased erased erased erased erased
kiss kissed kissed kissed kissed kissed
push pushed pushed pushed pushed pushed
wash washed washed washed washed washed

When he, she, or it is doing the action in the past tense, remember to add -d or -ed to the
end of regular verbs.

Simple future verbs are used when the action has not yet taken place:

  • I will work late tomorrow.

  • I will kiss my boyfriend when I see him.

  • I will erase the board after class.

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