Business English for Success

(avery) #1

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5.3 Writing Paragraphs: End-of-Chapter Exercises


  1. Select one of the following topics or choose a topic of your choice:
    o Drilling for oil in Alaska
    o Health care reform
    o Introducing a four-day work week
    o Bringing pets to work
    o Charging airline passengers to use the in-flight bathroom

Create a topic sentence based on the topic you chose, remembering to include
both a main idea and a controlling idea. Next, write an alternative topic sentence
using the same main idea but a different controlling idea. Explain how each fully
developed paragraph might differ in tone and content.


Please share with a classmate and compare your answers.

  1. At some point during your career, you may be asked to write a report or complete
    a presentation. Imagine that you have been asked to report on the issue of health
    and safety in the workplace. Using the information in Section 5.1.2 "Identifying
    the Audience", complete an analysis of your intended audience—your fellow
    office workers. Consider how demographics, education, prior knowledge, and
    expectations will influence your report and explain how you will tailor it to your
    audience accordingly.


Please share with a classmate and compare your answers.

  1. Group activity. Working in a group of four or five, assign each group member the task
    of collecting one document each. These documents might include magazine or
    newspaper articles, workplace documents, academic essays, chapters from a reference
    book, film or book reviews, or any other type of writing. As a group, read through each
    document and discuss the author’s purpose for writing. Use the information you have
    learned in this chapter to decide whether the main purpose is to summarize, analyze,
    synthesize, or evaluate. Write a brief report on the purpose of each document, using
    supporting evidence from the text.

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