Business English for Success

(avery) #1

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  1. Think of a time when someone asked you to gather information to make a decision,
    whether for work, school, or in your personal life. How specific was the request? What
    did you need to know before you could determine how much and what kind of
    information to gather? Discuss your answer with those of your classmates.

  2. Make a list of all the ways you procrastinate, noting how much time is associated with
    each activity or distraction. Share and compare your results with a classmate.

  3. You are the manager. Write an e-mail requesting an employee to gather specific
    information on a topic. Give clear directions and due date(s). Please share your results
    with the class.

  4. How do you prepare yourself for a writing project? How do others? What strategies work
    best for you? Survey ten colleagues or coworkers and compare your results with your

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