Business English for Success

(avery) #1

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  1. Take a news article and mark it up to reveal its organizational structure. Does it have an
    informative opening paragraph? Does each additional paragraph begin with a topic
    sentence? Does it use subheadings? Is there a conclusion that follows logically from the
    information presented?

  2. Find an article that you do not like and review it. State specific reasons why you dislike it
    and share your opinion with your classmates.

  3. Find an article that you do like and review it. State specific reasons why you like it and
    share your opinion with your classmates.

  4. You’ve been assigned to a sales team that has not been performing at optimal levels.
    Develop an incentive program to improve the team’s performance. Present your idea to
    the class.

[1] Franklin, B. (1748). Advice to a young tradesman, written by an old one.
Philadelphia, PA: B. Franklin and D. Hall.

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