Business English for Success

(avery) #1

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This chapter focuses on several strategies for success when it comes to the creative
process of writing, and your awareness of these skills will prove invaluable as your
responsibility increases and your ability to shape documents develops. Never lose sight
of the fact that each document exists with a universe of relationships and interaction; it
does not stand alone. Also remember that what you write today, particularly if you
“publish” it on the Internet, will be there for years to come. Always consider how your
words will represent you and your organization when you are not there to clarify,
defend, or correct them. Your audience will have expectations of you, as will your
employer, and as an effective business writer you know that one key to success is
meeting these expectations.

Creative writing for exposition, narration, and self-expression is an important part of
writing, but in the business context you have a role, job duties, and responsibilities both
internal and external to your organization. Your mastery of clear and concise writing
will directly affect the interpretation, and misinterpretation, of your message. Your goal
remains to reduce misunderstandings through the effective and efficient use of words in
business documents, and the well-known mandate to “Omit needless words” [1] stands
true. Up to this point you have been preparing to write, but now the moment has come
for performance.

[1] Strunk, W., Jr., & White, E. B. (1979). The elements of style (3rd ed.). New York, NY:

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