Business English for Success

(avery) #1

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them. Which strategies from the foregoing section does the writer use? Does the writer
use any fallacies or violate any ethical principles? Discuss your results with your

  1. Find one slogan or logo that you perceive as persuasive and share it with your

  2. Find an example of a piece of writing that appears to want to be persuasive, but doesn’t
    get the job done. Write a brief review and share it with classmates.

  3. In what ways might the choice of how to organize a document involve ethics? Explain
    your response and discuss it with your class.

[1] Toulmin, S. (1958). The uses of argument. New York, NY: Cambridge University

[2] Fulkerson, R. (1996). The Toulmin model of argument and the teaching of
composition. In E. Barbara, P. Resch, & D. Tenney (Eds.), Argument revisited:
argument redefined: negotiating meaning the composition classroom (pp. 45–72).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

[3] Johannesen, R. (1996). Ethics in human communication (4th ed.). Prospect Heights,
IL: Waveland Press.

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