Business English for Success

(avery) #1

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Key Takeaway

Proofreading and design put the finishing touches on a completed document.


  1. Using proofreading marks, mark the errors in the following paragraph:

I never wanted to bacome a writer, but when I decidedon a career in sales, I
found out that being able to write was a skill that would help me. So much of my
daily work involved Writing that I sometimes thought i’d fallen asleep and woken
up in someone else’s life. Messages, about actual sales, were the least of it. In
order to attract customers, I have to send notes to people I already knew, asking
them for sales leads. Then when I got a lead, I’ld write to the contact asking for a
few munutes of their time.If I got to meet with them or even have a phote
conversation, my next task was to write them a thank—you not. Oh, and the
reports-I was always filing out reports; for my sales manager, tracking my
progress with each customer and each lead. If someone had tell me how much
writing sails would involve, I think I would of paid more attention to my writing
courses en school.

  1. With a writing assignment in draft form from your class, swap with a classmate and
    review the spelling, grammar, and punctuation, using proofreading marks where

[1] Kostelnick, C., & Roberts, D. (1998). Designing visual language: Strategies for
professional communicators. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

12.6 Additional Resources

Online Writing Laboratory (OWL) at Purdue University provides a comprehensive guide
to the revision process. OWL is open access, free, and an excellence resource for any
writer. Please feel free to consult it anytime during our discussion to go more in depth
on a grammatical point or writing tip.

Visit this page for a useful article about punctuation marks.

Visit this site for a useful list of irregular verbs in English.

This site from Capital Community College in Connecticut provides a menu of English
grammar resources.

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