Business English for Success

(avery) #1

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Which sentence sounds better? The first one, of course. So the trick is, if you can use
him, you should use whom.

Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences by adding who or whom. Copy the completed
sentence onto your own sheet of paper.

  1. ____ hit the home run?

  2. I remember ____ won the Academy Award for Best Actor last year.

  3. To ____ is the letter addressed?

  4. I have no idea ____ left the iron on, but I am going to find out.

  5. ____ are you going to recommend for the internship?

  6. With ____ are you going to Hawaii?

  7. No one knew ____ the famous actor was.

  8. ____ in the office knows how to fix the copy machine?

  9. From ____ did you get the concert tickets?

  10. No one knew ____ ate the cake mom was saving.

Key Takeaways

  • Pronouns and their antecedents need to agree in number and person.

  • Most indefinite pronouns are singular.

  • Collective nouns are usually singular.

  • Pronouns can function as subjects or objects.

  • Subject pronouns are never used as objects, and object pronouns are never used as

  • Who serves as a subject of a verb.

  • Whom serves as an object of a sentence or the object of a preposition.

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