D-Photo USA (2019-07-08)

(Antfer) #1


D-Photo rounds up a fresh bunch of photography apps, both new and classic,
to ensure that you are getting the most out of your smartphone photography


Mextures is another app that leans into its strengths instead of trying to be all things to
all photographers: if you’re looking for textures, you can’t go past it.
As texture-overlay apps go, Mextures pretty much sets the standard. Most apps will
allow you to clumsily dump a preset texture over the top of an image and that’s about it;
Mextures gives you the kind of refinement controls that a photographer craves. You can
add light leaks, emulsion, textures, gradients, scratches, stains, and more. In addition,
the effects can be stacked in blended layers with adjustable transparency, rotation, and
any other tweak you might need.
Mextures is currently only available on iOS and costs $3.49 — very reasonable for what
you get.

Whether you use it for family snaps, online promotion,
or even as your primary photographic device,
smartphone photography plays a role in almost
everyone’s digital life. As it’s such a ubiquitous practice,
there is now a seemingly countless number of apps that

play different roles in the photographic process — to
varying degrees of success.
D-Photo profiles a handful of the most useful
photography apps to make sure that your smartphone
is a creative photographic powerhouse.


The biggest limitation to native photography functions on the iPhone is a lack
of control, and camera-replacement apps are the solution. The long-reigning
champ of this category, the original Camera+ app, has now been replaced by a
superior sequel.
What Camera+ did so well was give photographers access to all the manual
control functions they could possibly want. Camera+ 2 does just the same, only
more simply and better. Take things off auto and you can completely control
exposure, shutter speed, and ISO settings, as well as have the ability to save
photos in RAW format. If you’re familiar with the Camera+ interface, you’ll be right
at home in Camera+ 2; it just does everything faster and with greater attention
to detail.
Camera+ 2 is only available for iOS and costs $4.99 for the initial purchase —
once you start shooting with it, you’ll never go back to the native camera app.



There are plenty of all-in-one photo-editing apps out there, and most bite off more
than they can chew, offering a broad range of middling tools and excelling at nothing in
particular. VSCO is an app that wisely plays to its strength, and that strength is filters.
The Visual Supply Company is well known for its excellent film-imitating Lightroom
presets, and VSCO is the company’s mobile equivalent. Although the app’s filter
selections don’t ape specific film stocks, they do provide the same beautiful filmic
effects: moody, vibrant, underexposed, classic. There’s something for all occasions, and
a more satisfying array than the baked-in Instagram options.
Available for both iOS and Android, VSCO is free to download, but there is a charge to
expand your library of filter options.
Free download pdf