The Art of R Programming

(WallPaper) #1

In statistics, themarginalvalues of a variable are those obtained when
this variable is held constant while others are summed. In the voting exam-
ple, the marginal values of theVote.for.Xvariable are2+0=2,0+1=1,and
1+1=2.Wecanofcourse obtain these via the matrixapply()function:

No Not Sure Yes

Note that the labels here, such asNo, came from the row names of the
matrix, whichtable()produced.
But R supplies a functionaddmargins()for this purpose—that is, to find
marginal totals. Here’s an example:

Vote.for.X No Yes Sum
No 202
Not Sure 0 1 1
Yes 1 1 2
Sum 3 2 5

Here, we got the marginal data for both dimensions at once, conve-
niently superimposed onto the original table.
We can get the names of the dimensions and levels throughdimnames(),
as follows:

[1] "No" "Not Sure" "Yes"

[1] "No" "Yes"

6.3.2 Extended Example: Extracting a Subtable.........................

Let’s continue working with our voting example:

Vote.for.X No Yes
No 2 0
Not Sure 0 1
Yes 1 1

Factors and Tables 131
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