The Art of R Programming

(WallPaper) #1


atomic pragma, 343
atomic vectors, 8 5– 86
attr() function, 212

batch mode, 1
help feature, 24
running R in, 3
Bernoulli sequence, 204
biglm package, 321
bigmemory package, 321
binary files, 237
binary search tree, 177–1 82
body() function, 149, 151
Boolean operators, 145–146
braces, 144
brackets, 8 7– 88
Bravington, Mark, 300
breakpoints, setting, 2 8 9–290
calling browser() function directly,
28 9–290
using setbreakpoint() function, 290
breaks component, hist() function, 14
break statement, 141
browser commands, 2 89
browser() function
setting breakpoints, 2 8 9–290
single-stepping through code, 2 88
by() function, 126–127
byrow argument, matrix() function,
61, 236
byte code compilation, 320

c %in% y set operation, 202
cache, 346
calculus, 192–193
categorical variables, 121
cbind() function, 12, 74–75, 106–107
c browser command, 2 89
cdf (cumulative distribution
function), 193
ceiling() math function, 190
cell counts, changing to
proportions, 130
cex option, changing graph character
sizes with, 272–273
c() function, 56–57
Chambers, John, 226

character strings, 251–259
defined, 11
regular expressions, 254–257
forming filenames example,
testing filename for given suffix
example, 255–256
string-manipulation functions,
gregexpr(), 254
grep(), 252
nchar(), 252
paste(), 252–253
regexpr(), 253–254
sprintf(), 253
strsplit(), 253
substr(), 253
use of string utilities in edtdbg debug-
ging tool, 257–259
child nodes, binary search tree, 177
Chinese dialects, aids for learning,
chi-square distribution, 193–194
chol() linear algebra function, 197
choose() set operation, 202
chunking memory, 320–321
class() function, 212
cleaner code, 172
client/server model, 247
closures, 151, 174–175
cloud() function, 2 8 2–2 83
cluster, snow package, 335
clusterApply() function, snow package,
72, 337, 339–340
code files, 3
code safety, 41
col() function, 69–70
colon operator (:), 32–33
color images, 63
column-major order, matrix storage,
59, 61
combinatorial simulation, 205–206
combn() function, 203
comdat$countabsamecomm component, 206
comdat$numabchosen component, 206
comdat$whosleft component, 206
comma-separated value (CSV) files, 103
comments, 3
complete.cases() function, 105–106
Comprehensive R Archive Network
(CRAN), 24, 193, 353
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