The Art of R Programming

(WallPaper) #1

2.8 Filtering...................................................................

Another feature reflecting the functional language nature of R isfiltering.
This allows us to extract a vector’s elements that satisfy certain conditions.
Filtering is one of the most common operations in R, as statistical analyses
often focus on data that satisfies conditions of interest.

2.8.1 Generating Filtering Indices......................................

Let’s start with a simple example:

> z <- c(5,2,-3,8)

Looking at this code in an intuitive, “What is our intent?” manner, we
see that we asked R to extract fromzall its elements whose squares were
greater than 8 and then assign that subvector tow.
But filtering is such a key operation in R that it’s worthwhile to exam-
ine the technical details of how R achieves our intent above. Let’s look at it
done piece by piece:

> z <- c(5,2,-3,8)
[1] 5 2 -3 8

Evaluation of the expressionz*z>8gives us a vector of Boolean values!
It’s very important that you understand exactly how this comes about.
First, in the expressionz*z>8, note thateverythingis a vector or vector

  • Sincezis a vector, that meansz*zwill also be a vector (of the same length

  • Due to recycling, the number 8 (or vector of length 1) becomes the vec-
    tor (8,8,8,8) here.

  • The operator>, like+, is actually a function.

Let’s look at an example of that last point:

> ">"(2,1)
[1] TRUE
> ">"(2,5)

Vectors 45
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