The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
YANAULUHA Zuni. The great medicine god. Civilization,
animal husbandry, healing, and knowledge.


HURUKAN God of fire, the whirlwind, hurricanes, and
spiritual illumination.

ITZAMNA God of knowledge, writing, fertility,
regeneration, and medicine. Associated with the lizard.

IXCHEL Goddess of childbirth, medicine, pregnancy, and
domestic arts, especially weaving.

KUKULCAN God of learning, culture, the laws, and the

YUM CAAX God of maize, fertility, riches, and life.


CHALCHIHUITLICUE Goddess of storms, whirlpools, love, and

CHANTICO Goddess of the home, fertility, and wealth.
Associated with snakes and gemstones.

COATLICUE Goddess of famines and earthquakes.
Associated with snakes.

ITZCOLIUHQUI God of darkness, volcanic eruptions, and
disaster. Associated with obsidian.

ITZPAPLOTL Goddess of fate and agriculture.
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