The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

ST. BARTHOLOMEW Learning the truth, protection from
violence, and surgery. Patron of surgeons.

ST. BENEDICT Fever, kidney disease, poisons, contagious
diseases, safe delivery in childbirth, sick animals,
business success, and protection from storms.

ST. BERNARDINE OF SIENA Gambling addictions.

ST. BLAISE Diseases in both humans and animals, especially
throat diseases. Patron of veterinarians.

ST. BRIGID OF KILDARE Childbirth, fertility, protection from
fires, healing, agriculture, inspiration, learning, poetry,
prophecy, and love. Patroness of blacksmiths, dairy
workers, and physicians.

ST. CADOC OF WALES Glandular disorders.

ST. CAPISTRANO Repelling enemies.

ST. CLARE OF ASSISI Understanding, help with difficulties, and

overcoming drug and alcohol problems.

ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA Beauty, fertility, a peaceful
death, love, jealousy, healing, fortunate birth, visions
and dreams, and public speaking. Patroness of teachers
and jurors.

ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA Patroness of nursing homes, fire
protection, and unmarried women.

ST. CECILIA Success in composing, music, poets, and

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